Fall Series 2024



Phenix Jessup-Searcy will lead us on a journey into the heart of the Sacred in October’s Spirit Lab. She shares her knowledge and wisdom of Sabbats and Holy Days and offers ways of celebrating and moving through these sacred days. Rituals, ceremonies and sacred movements will be explored.

Phenix Raven-Wolf Jessup-Searcy is a Solitary witch and has been practicing for 30 years. 

Phenix is a natural born intuitive and Empath. Within her spiritual path she has natural awareness and connection with the ordinary, non-ordinary realities, and providing transformation through energetic techniques, works with Spirit Guides,  Animal Spirits, Creating sacred space, leading rituals and ceremonies are a few of her many gifts. Phenix brings that sacredness into her daily life, no matter what she is doing she celebrates her connection with Spirit.


As we move into the heart of fall, Tatiana Rolles moves us deeper into our Selves and our bodies with movement and sound through African Dancing and Drumming in November’s Spirit Lab.

Tatiana Rolles is currently the Lead Therapeutic West African Drumming Instructor at Youth Villages, a residential treatment facility in Douglasville, GA. Tatiana started in the field of helping at risk youth in 2002 at St. Annes Institute in Albany, NY. Throughout the 10 years of her career at St. Annes, she mentored and taught African Dance with the Student Theatre Outreach Program (S.T.O.P) for the Albany NAACP branch for youth in the community. In 2016, she took interest in learning the Djembe to expand her West African knowledge. She now provides therapeutic drumming and African Dance to over 120 children and youth every week and is co-instructor for the Therapeutic Drumming In- structors' Training.


Tracy Coffie and Roxanne Lowery will take us on a journey deep into direct contact with our Center.

As we conclude Spirit Lab’s “embodied” year, we will experiment with developing your personal lexicon or language of your body. 

The importance of trusting your personal system (body, mind and spirit) cannot be overstated.  We may be mentally aware of our trauma, but do we inhabit a conscious dialogue with our most trusted compass, our body?

This Spirit Lab session will explore a variety of personal stimulus and response, bringing to light the language of your body.  Our goal is to begin to explore a dialogue between the outside world and your body, to understand how your body communicates with you.   This relationship is paramount to navigating today’s world.  Like any relationship, the more attention you pay to this level of communication, the easier it becomes.

Tracy Coffie brings her decades of advanced study of and direct experience with the Mind-Body connection in concert with Roxanne Lowery’s development of tangible communication channels within one’s system.