Every month, we are exploring different aspects of the realm of Spirit, consciousness and energy (with a little woo thrown in). Brilliant practitioners and teachers are sharing their expertise and taking us through direct engagement with their particular modality.
We meet on a Saturday of each month for these three-hour classes at Infinite Flow at the City of Light.
You’ll be with with people that are like-hearted, like-minded, curious and adventurous. There is magic in being in resonance with others!
We continue our work of embodiment. Kimmy Yon guides us through a sacred exploration of our deepest nature.
This Spirit Lab was birthed out of a channeled writing message received on Lion's Gate, 8/8/2024. We will explore expanding with breathwork and humming, a meditation where we meet our future selves and curating our new narratives through an embodied writing practice. We'll be creating the constellation of you; connecting the dots and generating the space for our authentic selves to shine.
Kimmy Yon is an intuitive astrologer and shamanic, quantum energy work practitioner. Her experience in the healing arts spans more than a decade and has been deeply influenced by the exploration of the cosmos.
Please note that this Spirit Lab begins an hour earlier than our other offerings.
Kindly register here.